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Friday, January 13, 2006

Food for knowledge economy

In Asia, people usually eat rice, which is food for agriculture economy. Rice provided energy for people to work in farm. When Asia countries like Malaysia transform from agriculture economy to industrial economy. Rice as a major food still suitable for blue collar worker.

However, when we transfer from industrial economy to knowledge economy. Does rice, which provide energy rather than brain power still suitable for us?

I remember when I was a child. I read an article written by a Nanyang Siang Pao's correspondent in United State Mr Leong. He mentioned than he only able to read an English book per week whereas his friend in American,who is a professor in an US's University able to read a similar thick book within a day.Mr Leong told the professor that may be he is not English educated and English is his second language and this cause him takes more time to digest an English book than the professor.

The professor told him that this is because of food. He eat rice, which provide energy that do not required by white collar worker but unable to provide nutrition to brain. Professor advise him to try to eat western food instead and see what is the outcome.

Mr Leong feel that there is no harm trying. He eat western food like "set lunch" and "set dinner" provide by western restaurant in US. Which is much cheaper than western food in Asia country like Malaysia.Mr Leong also eat western breakfast like half broil egg.

After one week of eating western food. Guess what? He able to read and finished an English book within one day, as fast as the professor which English language is his first language.

At that point of time. Fast food like MacDonald is not that popular like now in Malaysia. Thus, western food does not mean fast food. Mr Leong has pass away but he has published a set of books, which is a collection of all articles publish in his column in Nanyang over the years. However, his book is selling fast and I unable to find such particular article again on book available in bookstore.

I rarely find his book in bookstore now a days. May be all near to sold out.

I think Malaysian and Asia country might want to change their eating habit if want to success in knowledge economy.

Update: Global Voice Online
