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Friday, January 20, 2006

Rumour on Digi & Telenor investment

DiGi shares price increase almost 5 sen per day since the beginning of the year. However, it's shares price on a decreasing trend at the end of last week and has been stagnant for the past few days.

Last few days, some of my reader has post comment on my blog to inform that there is a rumour in the market saying that DiGi minght not get the 3G license. Consumer in Malaysia will lose out if 3G license never grant to DiGi. The biggest beneficiary would be Government Link Company Celcom as it is less competitive compare to the other two telco.

Oriental Daily reported today that Energy, Water and Telecommunication Ministry want to standardize all telephone charges among the 3 telco. This mean consumer would not get the benefit of the price war rate they currently enjoy now. Again, the biggest loser is consumer and the biggest beneficiary is government control celcom. I feel government should let the market and each respective company to determine the price. Let the "invisible hand" to do the job rather than interference by the government.

Today, The Edge Daily reported that Telenor ASA, holding company of Digi Berhad announced that the company would invest RM45 million over the next three years to develop research and innovation (R&I) facility in Cyberjaya, the first outside Norway. This might be the reaction of Telenor against the rumour of DiGi not getting the 3G License. With so much money invest in cyberjaya. Would government reject the 3G license DiGi apply for?

It would be foolish for government to turn away such FDI in Multimedia Supercorridor (MSC)
