On 13 September 2005, European Union, Japan, Switzerland, Australia and Korea presented six papers calling for additional ways to accelerate the pace of services liberalisation before the WTO Ministerial conference in Hong Kong in December 2005. The US and Canada also supported the proposals.
Earlier, EC has however has limit China's textile import to EC at 12.5% growth rate. Whereas China negotiation with the US is still on going.
The services sector includes banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions, wholesale and retail trade, utilities (such as electricity, energy, water and telecommunications), transportation, postal services, education and professional services (including lawyers, doctors, architects).
Two years ago. When the world steel price drop to a very low level. US government impose anti-dumping import duty on steel export from China and some other country.
US, EU and Japan has continuously provided subsidy to its agriculture industry. American economists, Paul Zane Pilzer, has stated in his book "The Wellness Revolution
While developing country still protecting their primary industry ( Agriculture industry ) and Secondary industry ( Manufacturing like textile and Steel ). It is ridiculous and unfair for developing country to liberalize their service industry.
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