India software outsourcing competitiveness is not new to everybody. Same as China competitiveness in manufacturing industry.
Little people know or focus on is China internet industry.
NASDAQ listed online game and entertainment company Shanda paid USD230million to acquired 19.5% shares in In August, another Chinese search engine company Baidu listed on NASDAQ. It first day closing price above 354% of its IPO price, with market capitalization of USD3.98billion. Baidu is a company started 5 and half years ago.
China largest eCommerce company have a strategic alliance with Yahoo. Alibaba acquired all Yahoo assets and business in China. Yahoo will invest 1 billion in and get 40% shares eventually. Alibaba strength is in eCommerce while Yahoo strength is in search engine.The strategic alliance would create a largest search engine company in China.
The robust of China internet industry is cause by it growing number of internet user. It has the second largest internet user in the world after United States. it has 20million people that has make online purchase until June 2005. According a research report from CNNIC.
According a report from CNNIC. New internet user who choose Baidu comprise 51.5%. Google 32.9%. Both Baidu and Yahoo control more than 84.4% while the third Sohu control 4.6% market shares only.
Yahoo market shares is 3.7% only. After Baidu, Google,Sohu, Sina (4%). This make Yahoo try to strategic alliance with Alibaba to growth it market shares.
With all the netprenuer in China keep appearing on Forbes list. You are wrong if you think China only have strength in hardware or manufacturing industry only.
Based on a report on Oriental Daily
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